Loading in FR10 in 2 days from 14:00
(for sale)
Loading in DE10 in 1 day at 10:00 (double order)
Loading in PL70 in 3 days from 08:00 to 16:00

Freight Automation

Use artificial intelligence and reach the highest level of efficiency with full end-to-end automation

Find the most relevant cargo

Gain access to hundreds of thousands of loads listed on TIMOCOM. Sort them by price, empty kilometers or calculated profit. In addition to that, dismiss such spam as copied loads from companies that have no credit limit or are registered in countries you don’t want to work with. Don’t waste time on worthless cargo.

Next step 1

Choose a cargo with the least empty kilometers

Freight Automation calculates the number of empty kilometers for each of your vehicles and each matching cargo. It will segregate loads in real time, displaying them in order from the nearest ones to the places where your vehicles are now or will be available in the future.

Next step 2

Choose a cargo with the highest profit

Freight Automation will match the offer to the vehicle, accurately calculate the potential cost of executing each cargo from TIMOCOM, and display the profit that will result in accepting that order. With this feature, you will have the opportunity to select those most profitable loads.

Next step 3

Never manually refresh offers again

Automatic real-time offer refreshing will ensure that you end up reaching the best ones first, without any risk of missing one due to time pressure and browsing other offers or someone overtaking it.

Next step 4

Hide repetitive offers from the same company

Freight Automation has an option for hiding the loads similar to those you have already seen, posted by the same company. Even if the loading or unloading postal codes are slightly different, the system will hide such a load, if you want.

Next step 5

Check the market price for each offer

For each available offer, the artificial intelligence-powered system will calculate the current Market Price. Compare it with the customer’s price, easily quote freight without a specified price, find out what rates other companies drive for. And if the price was actually specified, the system will evaluate it and compare it to the market one with an understandable indicator.

Next step 6

Find the most overpriced cargo offers

Freight Automation will compare the customer’s price from the offer with the market price and identify those in which the customer is paying much more than the standard price for that relationship is. Thus, you won’t have to analyze and compare every offer. The system does it instead of you.

Next step 7

Be the first to call the customer

With the split-second call-in tool, you will automatically call for the best of the offers you have just added. You can use the VOIP system installed on your computer or call from your mobile phone thanks to the .Hogs Office app. Get ahead of the competition and be the first one to talk to your customer.

Next step 8

Send automated e-mails

With Freight Automation, you can send an automatically written, individually tailored request to a customer in one click. If you wish, you can also (manually or completely automatically) offer a price, and match the content of the email by selecting one of your own templates or simply editing it yourself.

Next step 9

Find a load perfectly suited to your vehicle

Each of the offers that appear will be checked to ensure that they fit your vehicles. With dozens of parameters being verified for you, you won’t see offers that can’t be transported with your vehicle. All of this is live and fully automatic. No delays, no manual refreshing and, most importantly, for all of your vehicles at the exact same time.

Next step 10

In one click, create a route for the chosen cargo

Automatically plot out a route to see the tolls, fuel consumption and the total costs of the chosen trip. See where the selected vehicle is located. Check empty and loaded kilometers and continue working only on finalizing the transaction.

Next step 11

Automatically find a Partial Load

Freight Automation will automatically analyze all the offers on the exchange and check how profitable it would be to top up any of your vehicles that does not have its full cargo capacity utilized. The system finds loads that will still be able to fit in, with their route being as close as possible to that of the first freight. Maximize your margin by utilizing the cargo space down to the last meter.

Find out more 12

Freight Automation is an advanced system for freight forwarders that automates processes related to road transport. It allows for time savings, faster data processing, and increased profits. With its help, you can easily analyze and match transport offers from the TIMOCOM exchange, price loads, and select the most profitable proposals for your vehicles. The system automatically searches and prices loads, plans routes, and also calls customers and sends emails, resulting in greater efficiency and profitability of operations.

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